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Can the Picasso Peace Lily Thrive Indoors?

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picasso peace lily

The Picasso Peace Lily is a unique kind of peace lily. It is called this due to its shiny multicolored leaves and white flowers. These properties have made it one of the most loved indoor plants. The reason why many people adore this plant is not only because it adds beauty in their homes or offices but also because it cleanses air thus creating a healthier environment for individuals working or living there. Unlike other types of peace lilies, the Picasso variety requires little attention from its owner; it does well under medium light intensity as well as being watered moderately.

This write up gives an insight on how best to grow this magnificent plant indoors by highlighting some care tips, benefits associated with growing them inside houses or workplaces as well as challenges that may be encountered when attempting so. Get to know what needs to be done in order for you to create perfect conditions under which these pretty houseplants can thrive.

What is a Picasso Peace Lily?

The Picasso Peace Lily is an exclusive kind of Spathiphyllum genus that possesses leaves which are green in color and contain creamy white marks. It is a perennial herb that grows well under moderate or low light conditions and needs regular watering. This plant is famous for its beauty and air-purifying properties; therefore, many people prefer it for their homes or offices. When taken care of properly, they may reach heights between two to three feet tall.

Key Characteristics

  • Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum ‘Picasso’
  • Common Name: Picasso Peace Lily
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Light Requirements: Indirect, medium to low light
  • Watering Needs: Moderate
  • Size: Up to 2-3 feet tall

Benefits of Having a Picasso Peace Lily at Home or Office

Low Maintenance

Compared to most other houseplants, taking care of a peace lily is not demanding. It grows well under low light intensity and requires moderate watering frequency which suits both beginner gardeners as well as experienced ones.

Air Purification

One of the greatest benefits associated with having this plant around is that it can help in improving the quality of air indoors. NASA’s Clean Air Study discovered that these plants remove toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene from the atmosphere thus creating healthier living conditions inside buildings.

Aesthetic Value

The variegation on its leaves adds elegance and sophistication wherever placed within any space. These attractive foliage coupled with delicate white blossoms could greatly enhance visual appeal making them favorites among interior designers.

Caring For A Picasso Peace Lily Plant Indoors

Light Requirements

Picasso Peace Lilies thrive best in indirect, medium to low light conditions. If exposed to direct sunlight they may get burnt hence turning brownish in color. Place near a window facing north or east so that it receives filtered sun rays throughout the day. In case there is limited natural lighting, you can supplement with fluorescent lights.

Watering Needs

Peace Lilies need soil that is consistently moist but they can withstand short periods of drought too. Check if your Picasso peace lily needs watering by feeling the top inch of its potting mix – if dry then water it. Avoid over-watering as this may lead to root rot disease; therefore ensure proper drainage in containers.

Humidity and Temperature

Ideal humidity levels for Peace Lilies range between 65% and 80%. These plants also require temperatures within 65°F-80°F (18°C-27°C). If living environment lacks moisture especially during winter months, use humidifiers or pebble trays filled with water beneath them.

Soil and Fertilizing

For potted Picasso Peace Lily use well-draining organic-rich potting mix which allows enough aeration at roots. You can prepare one by mixing together peat moss, perlite and compost in equal ratios. During spring/summer growing season feed every 6-8 weeks using balanced liquid fertilizer soluble in water but do not exceed recommended rates since excessive nutrients result into salt build up within soils

Trimming and Taking Care

Keep your plant looking its best by regularly getting rid of yellow or dying leaves. Dust can block the absorption of light and prevent photosynthesis, so wipe the leaves with a wet cloth from time to time.

Usual Troubles and Their Solutions

Yellow Leaves

Overwatering, underwatering, or direct exposure to sunlight can cause yellow leaves. Assess soil moisture levels and adjust watering frequency accordingly. If the plant is receiving too much sun, relocate it to an area with indirect light.

Brown Tips on Leaves

Brown tips on leaves are often an indicator of low humidity or over-fertilization. Increase moisture around the plant by misting it frequently while reducing fertilizing effort. The use of distilled water will also help prevent salt accumulation that leads to brown tips.


Although Peace Lilies are resistant to most pests, aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs may occasionally be attracted to them. Treat infestations by wiping the leaves with water mixed with mild dish soap solution or using insecticidal soap.

Root Rot

Root rot is usually caused by excessive watering combined with poor drainage. Ensure that your plant’s pot has enough holes at the bottom for water to escape freely; let soil dry out slightly between each watering period. Repot in fresh well-draining soil if you detect foul smell or mushy roots.

How To Plant And Repot A Picasso Peace Lily


Choose a pot slightly larger than root ball and having drainage holes when planting Picasso Peace Lily. Fill pot with well-drained potting mix then dig hole at center for placing plant into it. Put some soil around roots before pressing gently on topsoil sides for firm anchorage.


To refresh soil & provide more growing space, repot Picasso Peace Lily every 1-2 years. Use pots that are 1-2 inches wider in diameter than current ones. Gently remove plant from old pot; shake off excess soil then trim dead or damaged roots before placing back into new pot with fresh soil followed by thorough watering.

Can Picasso Peace Lily Survive Indoors?

Yes, Picasso Peace Lily can survive indoors if given suitable conditions. Its ability to adapt under low light, moderate watering requirements and tolerance towards different humidity levels makes it an ideal choice for indoor cultivation.

Important Aspects For Successful Indoor Growth

  • Light: Provide indirect medium to low light levels but avoid direct sunlight.
  • Water: Keep the soil constantly moist but not waterlogged.
  • Humidity: Maintain high humidities especially in dry environments.
  • Temperature: Ensure temperatures do not fall below 65°F nor exceed 80°F.
  • Soil: Use well-draining potting mix that is rich in organic matter content.
  • Fertilization: Carry out fertilization every 6-8 weeks throughout growing season.

With these tips, you should be able to have a healthy and beautiful Picasso Peace Lily in your home or office space.

Additional Ideas for Optimal Growth

Keeping an Eye on Soil Dampness

Purchase a Picasso Peace Lily moisture gauge to determine when it needs to be watered. With this device, you will prevent overwatering and ensure that the required amount of moisture reaches the plant.

Rotating the Plant

Every few weeks, rotate your Picasso Peace Lily so that it gets equal amounts of light from each side and grows uniformly. This will stop the plant from bending towards one direction where the light comes from and give it a fuller symmetrical appearance.

Seasonal Adjustments

Change your care routine with seasons. In winter months when growth is slow for plants like these; decrease watering frequency and stop fertilizing. Resume normal watering and fertilization during spring and summer months when there is active growth.

Using Organic Fertilizers

Consider using natural manure as this supplies nutrients steadily without causing salt accumulation. Compost tea, fish emulsion, seaweed extract among others are great organic options which can also improve soil health while promoting strong growth.

Creating a Humidity Tray

If you do not own a humidifier; fill a shallow tray with water then put some pebbles in it to create humidity tray instead. Place the pot on top of pebbles making sure its bottom does not touch water level but stays above it so that more moisture can be absorbed through roots as well when necessary due to evaporation around leaves caused by heat source nearby such as radiator or fireplace.

Grouping Plants Together

Grouping your Picasso Peace Lily with other indoor plants will create higher humidity microclimate around them because plants lose water through transpiration naturally thereby maintaining optimum levels within their vicinity especially if they are crowded together closely enough so that air circulation is minimized thus reducing rate at which moisture escapes into environment outside container where these houseplants were placed together inside room during dry season of year.

Frequently Asked Questions about Caring for Picasso Peace Lilies

How often should I water my Picasso Peace Lily?

Water your Picasso Peace Lily once a week or when the top inch of the soil feels dry to touch. This may vary depending on indoor conditions such as temperature and humidity so always ensure you use moisture meter for accurate watering.

Can I put my Picasso Peace Lily in direct sunlight?

No, exposing a Picasso peace lily directly under sun can burn its leaves. It thrives best with indirect medium to low light levels so locate it near north or east facing window for optimal growth.

Why are leaves turning yellow on my Picasso Peace Lily?

Yellowing of leaves could indicate overwatering, underwatering or too much light exposure. Check soil moisture and lighting then adjust accordingly to prevent further damage.

How can I increase humidity around my Picasso Peace Lily?

You can raise humidity by using humidifier but if not available; create humidity tray, group plants together or mist frequently without wetting leaves excessively as this might cause fungal infections.

Is the Picasso Peace Lily poisonous to pets?

Yes, like other types of peace lily, picasso’s sap contains calcium oxalate crystals which are toxic when ingested by animals hence keep them away from curious pets.

What is the process of repotting a Picasso Peace Lily plant?

Repot every one-two years using bigger pot size plus fresh well-drained soil mixture for better growth results. Carefully take out plant from current pot; trim off any dead roots then place into new container with new soil mix around it firmly.

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Final Opinion

A wonderful and helpful plant is the Picasso peace lily. It is amazing how it can add beauty to any room and also clean the air. No matter what kind of house or office you have, if you keep this plant in good condition by taking care of its requirements and providing extra effort for maintaining favorable conditions; then it will thrive inside making your living space lively with naturalness always.
