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Top Reasons to Grow Geranium Biokovo Karmina in Your Garden

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Geranium Biokovo Karmina

Geranium Biokovo Karmina is one of the plants that can be used in every garden and does not require too much effort and time for its upkeep. This semi- deciduous perennial plant is able to produce an assortment of advantages; aesthetic value, ability to attract pollinators and many others.

Regardless of your level of expertise in gardening, caring for Karmina Biokovo is possible for the improvement of your outdoor environment. In the following, you will read about why this particular plant should find its way into your garden as well as its care against the backdrop of its utility.

What Is Geranium Biokovo Karmina?

Also known as Geranium Karmina or Karmina Biokovo, Geranium Biokovo Karmina belongs to the Geraniaceae family. As its name suggests, it is native to the mountain shelters, which is where the plant is found growing on stony well drained soils. This plant is popular among gardeners as it produces pink blooms and densely growing green leaves and is also easy to take care of.

The name “Karmina” is for the beauty of the flowers such that the petals blossom pink colors. Another striking characteristic of Geranium Biokovo Karmina includes the long period within which the flowers bloom. It blooms from spring to summer and sometimes to fall over a long period of time. The flowers are very attractive to pollinators such as bees and even butterflies and they are five petaled.

Key Features of Karmina Biokovo

  • The colour of flowers: The shade of deeply rich carmine pink.
  • Foliage: Dark green semi-perennial folding leaves with ostentatious bronzing in fall.
  • Dimension: Can reach a height of 6-8 inches and width of 12-18 inches.
  • Bloom period: Since late spring season and till early autumn.
  • Soil type: Loam soil; sandy soil, well-drained.

Why Choose Geranium Biokovo Karmina for Your Garden?

Low Maintenance Plant

There are a lot of customers who appreciate Geranium Biokovo Karmina because its care is not too laborious once it is well-rooted. Unlike other species, this plant was able to adapt well once planted even in average garden conditions. It does not seem to be overly demanding of the soil, providing that the soil is not waterlogged. Because of this, the plant is able to withstand dry conditions which are perfect for gardeners looking for low maintenance plants.

Long Blooming Season

Another reason that makes Biokovo Karmina desirable is the long bloom period. It starts blooming in late spring and the flowers last till the long summer months and early fall. This means that most of the time, your garden will be full of various colors which make it ideal for those who love a lot of color in the garden for as long as possible.

Pollinator Friendly

Karmina Biokovo is irresistible to pollinators including bees, butterflies, and other helpful insects. This variety is a good addition to any garden as a step towards increasing the species in one’s environment and more importantly, protecting the pollinators. This benefit becomes particularly useful for the gardeners that aim at making nature friendly landscapes for more flora and fauna.

Ground Cover Capabilities

Being low growing and strongly spreading, Karmina Biokovo makes an effective ground cover. It is a great plant to fill in the spaces among large plants or fill the soil that has been left bare in the garden because of its ability to cover the ground with leaves. The plant’s leaves also act as a mulching force to deter weeds preventing too much weeding from being carried out.

Cold Hardiness

Karmina Biokovo is hardy from USDA zones 4 through 8 meaning that the plant will easily survive cold weather and frosts etc. This makes it a very suitable plant for the climatic conditions where the gardener is more likely to experience winter. The plant stays semi evergreen and stays with attractive foliage color from bronzy red during fall.

Geranium Biokovo Karmina Care Tips

Most gardeners will agree that Biokovo Karmina is straightforward to care for, but there are several basic rules for its upkeep which will allow you to enjoy it in all its glory.

Sunlight Requirements

Karmina Biokovo prefers full sun to light shade. In hot summer areas, shade in the afternoons is good for the plant, in cooler areas full exposure will promote excellent height and blossoms.


Karmina Biokovo does well in drought after establishment. However, it is essential to keep the soil fairly moist during the plant’s first growing season to enable it to grow a good root system. Thereafter, watering the plant only on dry days is adequate.

Soil Requirements

Adequate drainage must be maintained for Karmina Biokovo. It is adaptable to most soil types ranging from loam to sandy but wet soil conditions are not favorable as they encourage rotting of the roots. Also consider amending the soil with organic matter such as compost to help with drainage.

Pruning and Deadheading

Pruning is not recommended to Elan Karmina Biokovo. However, removing faded flowers can promote further flowering throughout the season. Also, cutting back of the plant in late autumn will aid in keeping the shape of the plant and encourage new growth in the spring.


Geranium Biokovo Karmina does not express a strong need for heavy feeding. Light balanced fertilizer can be applied in spring to promote a healthy growth and flowering. Plants with over fertilizing develop long stems and few leaves and this is why fertilizers must be applied efficiently.

Uses of Karmina Biokovo in the Garden

Borders and Edging

One has to admit that Karmina Biokovo looks fantastic especially as a border or edging plant. Due to its small size in diameter and vibrant flowers, it is ideal for surrounding the rest beds, frames, and paths within the garden. The fact that it spreads out and forms a dense head of foliage makes the borders of any garden more attractive.

Rock Gardens

Due to the rugged, mountainous habitat from which it is derived, Karmina Biokovo can be effectively grown in rock gardens. It does best in dry, rocky environments considering the potting soil up its plants. The Trailing growth of the plant also enhances the appreciation of stone beds, decorative stone slopes.

Companion Planting

Karmina Biokovo willingly sits together with the other plants concerning the area such as Geranium Rozanne, Geranium Bevan’s Variety, and the ornamental grasses. Carmine-pink flowers happily accompany the blue and purple blooms of Geranium Rozanne, which the latter planted to contrast with the former making beauty in the garden.

Container Gardens

Karmina Biokovo is one of the few plants that can be grown in a container for space limited gardens. Its diminutive size and low water consumption qualifies the geranium biokovo to be enjoyed from pots and planters. When planting in a container always ensure that you use a good potting mix and the plant is kept in the sun for it to do well.

Growing Karmina Biokovo from Seeds

For gardeners who like to grow their own plants, your own seeds Karmina Biokovo can be an attractive challenge. Geranium Biokovo(Karisma) seeds can be found at many garden or online markets. Here is a step by step description about how to grow Karmina Biokovo from seeds:

Seed Preparation

It’s important to stratify Germiation in other geranium and usually Biokovo Geranium seeds potent before sowing the seeds. Stratification means putting the seeds in damp paper towel inside a ziploc bag in a refrigerator for about 4-6 weeks.

Sowing the Seeds

After stratification, after preparing seeds for germination, prepare the seeds to seed tray with sterile, free draining seed starting mix. Seeds should only be lightly covered with seed-starting mix or soil and water only enough to prevent the mix from drying out. Keep the tray in a warm place which has no direct sunlight.

Transplanting Seedlings

Seedlings of plants are sprouted, grown and then uprooted from the mother soil when they have developed two to three sets of true leaves. When transplanting gourds make sure that a spacing of 12-18 inches is used due to the bushy nature of the plants.

Comparing Karmina Biokovo to Other Geranium Varieties

As with any other plants that you will deem to put to your garden, it is important to weigh Biokovo Karmina against other varieties you may consider. Evaluating the similarities and the differences might help in making the right choice for your landscape.

Biokovo Karmina vs. Geranium Rozanne

Geranium Rozanne is one of the most sought after variety on account of its bright violet blue flowers as well as the long period of bloom which may sometimes be pushed to early winter in the more temperate areas. In addition to being low-medium maintenance and xerophytic like the Biokovo Karmina, Rozanne tends to get taller and more sprawling in habit than the former; achieving heights of anywhere between 12-24 inches with a spread of anywhere from 2-3 feet.

On the other hand, Biokovo Karmina is a dwarf with a height of about 6-8 inches and a less wide spread that allows for use for edging and ground cover. The two varieties additionally extend flowering periods and also are attractive to the pollinators. The name contrasts with the End mugotten which has deep clears kore pink flowers.

Biokovo Karmina vs. Geranium Bevan’s Variety

Geranium Bevan’s Variety is yet another hardy geranium which features deep magenta-pink flowers with a similar shape to that of Biokovo Karmina however with darker bolder foliage. Bevan’s Variety is a taller strain, often reaching to about 12-18 inches, and is popular for naturalizing in wild gardens or woodland areas.

Howbeit, Karmina Biokovo makes a more subdued and compact growth form while Bevan’s Variety is usually more overstated. Those who want a more sprawling area to plan or give the garden a rather wild and rustic look might like Bevan’s Variety.

Biokovo Karmina vs. Geranium Sanguineum

Also, another widely used sanguineum-associated geranium is geranium sanguineum or the bloody cranesbill. It has showy pink-purple to dark read flowers. This species is also considered versatile and drought tolerant and does well in many conditions including poor soil and sunny areas. Sanguineum grows quite prolifically so it works well as a ground cover in large areas.

The growth of Karmina Biokovo, on the other hand, is not so active which is convenient in small gardens or places like such inner courtyards. As stated this two varieties are wonderful for pollinator attractants and will also provide summer color, but Sanguineum has to be scissor pruned more than Karmina of which is less vigorous.

Where to Buy Geranium Biokovo Karmina

If you are just looking forward to adding this pretty plant to your garden, the plant, Geranium Biokovo Karmina can be easily acquired from multiple places. Karmina Biokovo can be found in the webshops of the local seeding nurseries as well as garden centers. Furthermore, when you buy such plants, ensure that their leaves are healthy without any signs of diseases or stress.

For people who would like to grow geraniums from seeds, it is possible to buy Biokovo Geranium seeds from established and reputable seed companies. Always remember that it is important to follow the appropriate directions, which are usually provided with the seeds to be used.


What is the common name for Karmina Biokovo?

Commonly called crusted cranesbill, Karmina Biokovo is always used interchangeably built as hardy geraniums. Industrially, it is sometimes referred simply to Biokovo Karmina or just Karmina Geranium as it is hybrid.

What are the main uses of Geranium Biokovo Karmina in the garden?

Karmina Biokovo is versatile and can be used in several ways in the garden:

  • Ground cover: It matures into foliage forming a thick mat which is useful in filling up spaces between other taller plants.
  • Borders and Edging: Usually grows compact and is useful in providing borders for flower beds or walk ways.
  • Rock Gardens: This plant does well in loose, well drained soils and is great for beautifying rock gardens.
  • Containers: You may also cultivate bright colored Karmina in pots to decorate patios and balconies.

How do I care for Karmina Biokovo?

Karmina Biokovo care is straightforward and low-maintenance:

  • Soil: These plants grow very well in reasonably sandy loamy soils that always drain excess water.
  • Light: This plant prefers direct sun, growing quickly in full sun to half shade.
  • Watering: Regular irrigation should be administered till the plants survive with their roots. These roots survive quite good in draught after its water made available.
  • Pruning: Informing them that it is time to deadhead flowers to extend bloom cycles. After flowering foliage can be trimmed to retain its outline.

Can I grow Karmina Biokovo from seeds?

Yes, the seeds of Biokovo Geranium can be used to propagate new plants. However, it does take time and energy as seeds do not germinate quickly and also require a period of stratification. Division is usually a faster method of propagating this plant.

Where can I buy Karmina Biokovo?

You may find Geranium Biokovo and other plants for sale in a garden centre, a nursery, or in an online plant store. One is always advised to buy from recognized vendors to ensure healthy as well as good quality plants or seed.

Is Karmina Biokovo deer-resistant?

Yes, Karmina Biokovo is resistant to deer. The foliage, which is somewhat aromatic and smells like Great Blue Lobelia, also helps to keep deer at bay thus making it suitable for gardens in areas that are prone to deer browsing.

How does Karmina Biokovo compare to Geranium Rozanne?

Both Karmina Biokovo and Geranium Rozanne are indeed very popular and have long berdure flowering periods as well as are easy to maintain. However, their looks and growth habit vary. Rozanne has bigger flowers and falls somewhere between dark blue and violet, and grows even taller and spreads more, while Karmina tends to be dwarfed and has deeper pink blooms.

Can Karmina Biokovo be used in pollinator gardens?

Absolutely! Geranium Biokovo Karmina has attractive flower shapes which attract pollenate insects like bees and butterflies and so provides a good addition in such as pollinator friendly gardens. There is also a need for such changes given the long flowering period of the plant which provides more food and shelter for such types of flowers.

Does Karmina Biokovo require winter protection?

Karmina Biokovo is a plant which can be grown in zones 4-8 of the United States, known as the USDA hardiness zones, so can overwinter in most parts of the states without extra heat insulation.

How often should I divide Karmina Biokovo?

To maintain health and vitality, Karmina Biokovo should be divided no less frequently than once every three to four years. Division reduces the danger of plants becoming cloggy, promotes fresh development, and, if desired, allows planting of some new plants in different parts of the garden.

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Final Opinion

The Karmina Biokovo is full of benefits including its long flowering period and requiring low care maintenance. The plant complements borders of the gardens, can be used to brighten up rock gardens and even help in attracting necessary pollinators. With adequate care, Geranium Biokovo Karmina will reward you with beautiful flowers and leaf over years.

These and other useful features of the Karmina Biokovo can be enjoyed based on the fact that this plant has been incorporated in any of your gardens thus it serves as beautiful ornamental plant and above all supports the ecosystem. Irrespective of whether you grow it from seeds or you buy ready made plants Karmina Biokovo is one plant which will add cosmetic appeal to your garden.
