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Aeonium Black Rose: A Complete Growing Guide

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Aeonium Black Rose

Deep geometric foliage covers and rosettes make Aeonium Black Rose also called by its scientific name Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’, a lovely succulent saw growing in the plant lovers’ communities. Another source-task fitted here we might also call this one, Black Rose succulent, is among the highlights one can only have in a garden or a plant collection at home.

In this all-inclusive guide, we present a detailed discussion about your experiences with and strategies for growing, maintenance, and reproduction of Aeonium Black Rose. In this guide, irrespective of your gardening skills from novice to the expert, you will be taken through the basics of ensuring that your Black Rose succulent is alive and well.


One of the variations of Aeonium arboreum which occurs in the volcanic Canary Islands is called Aeonium Black Rose. Its dark purple color furthers the decorensity of the environments, either in the outdoors or indoors, were such plants are cultivated. The rosettes of Black Rose Aeonium can reach 20 cm across while the plant itself will reach a height of three feet under proper care. The succulent plant is not only appealing but also reasonably easy to maintain thus making it suitable for both amateur and professional gardeners.

Understanding Aeonium Zwartkop

The Aeonium Zwartkop, informally recognized as the Black Rose, belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Such deep colour regards the level of anthocyanin pigments that are present in the leaf tissues. It is also noteworthy that this succulent is monocarpic, which means that after the bloom, it will not survive. This, however, is not to be expected as it is also known that usually offsets or ‘pups’ do occur just before flowering and such can be taken out for propagation.

The term “Zwartkop” originates from the Dutch words “zwart,” black, and “kop,” head, which in this case is an appropriate description for the plant. The rosettes of the Black Rose succulent are dark purple, even so dark sometimes they look black. The visual effect is striking where the dark leaves set off bright yellow flowers in the center of the rosette.

Ideal Growing Conditions

Light Requirements: Full Sun or Shade?

If one of the elements affecting the successful growth of Aeonium Black Rose in horticulture is taken into consideration, it is the one on exposure to sunlight. This succulent loves sun and partial shade as well. For optimum growth, it needs about a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight every day. This helps the leaves retain their rich color. In areas with very hot summers, some shade in the afternoons can prevent the leaves from scorching and can keep the plants healthy.

Key Point: How much sun does a Black Rose succulent need? Aim for at least 6 hours of direct sunlight to ensure vibrant foliage.

Soil Requirements

Because of the risk of root rot, a fungal disease that is common with most succulents, the Black Rose Aeonium prefers soils that drain freely. A cactus or succulent mix is ideal but if you would rather make your own, mixing potting soil with sand or perlite will do the job by improving drainage. Soil pH is preferably acidic to neutral 6.0 to 7.0.

Watering Guidelines

One of the most important things to do when taking care for the Black Rose Aeonium is watering the plant. Contrary to the habit of most succulents, Aeoniums in this case, have a winter growth condition and a summer drought state depending on the weather conditions. When it is growing, it is important to water the plant consistently and permit the soil to dry out in- between watering. However during the dormant season one only waters the plant to the extent of preventing the leaves from wilting.

Tip: Always water at the base of the plant and avoid getting water on the leaves to prevent rot.

How to Care for Aeonium Black Rose


Fertilization of the Black Rose Aeonium helps in ensuring healthy growth and healthy colored leaves. Supplying with a balanced and water-soluble fertilizer at half of the recommended strength every 4-6 weeks would suffice during the growing season. The growing of the plant should be avoided in the period of rest when the plant does not acquire nutrients.

Pruning and Maintenance

It is easy to cut Aeonium Black Rose for purposes of maintenance. Clean the plant by removing any leaves that are either dead or ruined. In case your plant grows tall and narrow, you can prune the stems back to induce sturdier growth of the plant. Still, it is important to note that pruning may impose a focus on other issues like preventing the plant from being top heavy, a common vice with the aeonium tall types.

Propagation of Aeonium Black Rose

Step-by-Step Propagation Guide

Propagating Black Rose Aeonium is a rewarding process that allows you to create new plants from cuttings. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Select a Healthy Stem: A healthy stem that has rosette and plant bud at its end is chosen. The stem must measure at least 4-6 inches.
  2. Cut the Stem: Using clean knife or scissors, make a transverse cut into the stem immediately below the leaf node. Cuttings are stored for several days to allow adequate drying; the cut end should be slightly calloused.
  3. Prepare the Soil: A pot is stuffed with good draining succulent soil. Create a small well in the middle of the soil.
  4. Plant the Cutting: The calloused end of the cutting is positioned in the soil. Pack the soil around the stem’s base sufficiently to stabilize the cutting.
  5. Water Sparingly: Water the cutting and put it in an area with bright but indirect light. Do not expose the cutting to bright sunlight until its roots are fully developed.
  6. Monitor Growth: The cutting would have started developing roots as the weeks progress after planting. When the new plant has rooted, acclimatize it to the sun gradually.

Common Propagation Mistakes

  • Overwatering: New cuttings are rot-sensitive and excessive moisture gets them. Do not let the soil become too dry, all the time it should be moderately damp.
  • Inadequate Light: Insufficient illumination leads to poor, weak and spindly growth. Provide only those cuttings that are able to access sufficient soft sunlight.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Losing Leaves

If your Aeonium Black Rose is losing leaves, it could be a sign of stress. Common causes include:

  • Overwatering: It is the most usual reason for leaf drop. The soil should be well-draining and should dry out in between the irrigations.
  • Underwatering: This is a concern but underwatering is more of a problem at times as the leaves would also start shedding mainly in the growing season.
  • Temperature Stress: High and low temperatures are also factors that may cause leaves loss in succulents. Keep your plant in a temperature range of between 65-75°F (18-24°C).

Black Rose Succulent Dying

If your Black Rose succulent appears to be dying, assess the following factors:

  • Root Rot: Plants that have been watered excessively get root rot which is usually very deadly. When root rot is suspected, uproot the plant, cut the rotting roots with a scissor, and pot the plant again in sterilized dry soil.
  • Pests: The common ones include aphids, mealy bugs, and spider mites. The health of the plant as well as the extent of infestation is assessed, and where necessary, infestations are controlled using insecticidal soap or neem oil.
  • Lack of Light: If there is not enough light, the plant weakens and starts to dry up and die off. If needed reposition your plant to a lighter area.

Seasonal Flowering and Monocarpic Behavior

Black Rose Aeonium is a monocarpic plant, which includes flowering only once. Usually a monocarpic plant dies after flowering once; but the plant most of the times produces offsets or pups before flowering thus enabling the plant to propagate the species.

Flowering Characteristics

  • Flowering period: It is observed that Black Rose Aeonium flowers towards the end of winter and early spring. The flowers are stikingly yellow in colour appearing from the gulf of the rosette and stand out from the dark foliage.
  • Death of Monocarp: As actors in a dynamic tread the main rosette would cease to exist as flowering occurs. However, if the plant has produced offsets these formation shall continue growth and the plant shall not be lost. In order to keep your plant collection, make these offsets before the death os the main rosette.

Encouraging Flowering

If you wish to see your Black Rose Aeonium bloom, you can encourage flowering by providing optimal growing conditions:

  • Light: The lighting must also be more towards direct sun exposure as this will promote flower formation.
  • Nutrients: The plant should be nourished well with water soluble fertilizer through out growing season, this will lead to the development of flowers.
  • Stress: Applying an unusual situation has proven to trigger flowering response for some growers and the growth has been slightly altered especially water or light has been reduced. In the first place that would be a safe way as the plant does not have to be damaged.

Benefits of Growing Black Rose Aeonium

Black Rose Aeonium offers several benefits that make it a valuable addition to any plant collection:

  • Enjoyable to the Eye: The dark leaves of the shrub lend themselves to creating drama and punch in both gardens and interiors.
  • Requires Less Attention: Black Rose Aeonium is a low caring succulent, thus very suitable for busy gardeners or people who are just starting the journey of growing succulents.
  • Clean the Atmosphere: Like most other succulents, Black Rose Aeonium purifies the air by taking in carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen.
  • Flexible: This type of plant can be planted either inside or outside the house and even though relocated to new areas around the globe adjusting rather well.

Where to Find Aeonium Black Rose for Sale

The sales of Black Rose Aeonium do occur in a variety of garden centers, nurseries and many online plant shops. When looking for one of these plants in online shops ensure that the plant vendor is valid and the plants are well grown and not infected by pests. There are a few options to look at:

  • Local Nurseries: You can also go for a local nursery or a garden center to purchase Black Rose Aeonium either because you want to or for the convenience of the shop. This way, the customer can check the health status of the plant before buying it.
  • Online Retailers: For those who are unable to find the succulent in their local garden centers, sites like Etsy, Amazon, or even succulent specific sites have been known to sell Black Rose Aeonium. It is best to buy from sellers that have a good rating and provide clear images of the plants.

Tip: If you decide to pay and order the plant online, bear in mind the altitude of shipment. Succulents are tough plants but even these can be made stressed by long distance transport or extremes of weather during transit.

Black Rose Aeonium and Indoor Gardening

Black Rose Aeonium can be a stunning addition to indoor gardens, but it requires specific care to thrive indoors.

Light Considerations for Indoor Growing

It is important to take light at the right angle when interior gardening with the Black Rose Aeonium. Position the flight close to a window especially the south side of the house for maximum exposure to the sun. In case sunlight is not sufficient, think about grow light placement.

Indoor Watering Tips

The air inside is very different from that outside; hence the soil conditions may vary. Water the plant when the soil in the top two inches is completely dry. Take care not to apply excessive water. Houseplants are more susceptible to root rot because of reduced air circulation and low evaporation rates in the houses.

Humidity and Air Circulation

Options for a sedimentation tank hood are well taken Black Rose Aeonium needs moderate to moderately extreme humidity levels which are normally encountered in many open houses. Avoid overtagging the plant, allowing sufficient air movement around the plant to avoid fungal problems mainly if you live in wet areas.


What Is Aeonium Black Rose?

Answer: Purple culture or Aeonium ‘Zwartkop’ is the genus and species of androgenesis ‘Black Rose aka aeonium, which is a beautiful succulent plant with deep brown to black coloured rosettes, resembling roses. This type of succulent is irresistible to succulent collectors because it has one of the most astounding looks and is not very difficult to care for.”

How Do I Take Care of Aeonium Black Rose?

Answer: The plant imaginatively known as hedge black rose requires very loose, well-aerated and fast-draining potting composition; it also needs direct sun and watering moderately (about in everything about six hours of sunlight every single day). During the winter growing period, water the plant allowing the soil to dry between waterings. For the summer dormancy period, water less often. Sunlight exposure is other cultivation requirements while fertilisation is applied every four to six weeks during the growing season.

How Do I Propagate Black Rose Aeonium?

Answer: Black Rose Aeonium can easily be propagated by stem cuttings. You need to take a fresh rosette from a firm plant sometimes referred to as ‘mother plant’ and put it to dry for a couple of days before your ‘father… a new stem cutting is made and placed in arborite soil. Once the roots start developing maintain the soil slightly damp and after that treat it like a normal plant.

Why Is My Black Rose Aeonium Losing Leaves?

Answer: In Aeonium Black, the leaves turning deficient in certain essential nutrients can be accounted for many reasons such as too much watering, too little watering, poor sunlight or seasonal transitions. Some leaf loss during dormancy that occurs in the summer months is nothing to be alarmed about. Make sure that water is not overly provided and that there is ample light support for the plant to minimize lack of leaves.

How Much Sun Does Black Rose Aeonium Need?

Answer: Aeonium black sunshine requirement is a minimum of six hours of full sun in a day. It requires radiance for its color to dark color and flourish and deep coloration. In the very hot tropics, afternoon shade is sometimes provided to avoid scorching of leaves.

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Final Opinion

Aeonium Black Rose is an eye-catching unique succulent that can introduce a lot of drama to any plant collection. It makes a perfect option for both novice and advanced gardeners because of its dark color, fairly low maintenance, and it does not require much care. When you have the right growing conditions, care, and management, and even some light trimming, this plant will be by your side for long period of time.

In either case, propagating your collection or just admiring the attractive wonderful Black Rose succulent, the article has furnished you with enough information to aid you in achieving the desired outcome. Also, do ensure that you keep in constant check on the health of the plant, solve any problems that come up in the process, and make use of all the advantages of being a grower of Black Rose Aeonium.
