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Complete Guide to Black Cherry Philodendron Care in Home

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Black Cherry Philodendron

Any space in a house can be made elegant by the Black Cherry Philodendron plant that has dark burgundy leaves and graceful growth. For indoor gardeners who want to upgrade their home décor, this plant is most preferred due to its striking features and easy maintenance. However, if you wish your black cherry philodendron to thrive, there are some basic care requirements that you have to comply with.

This is a comprehensive guide detailing everything one would need to successfully grow and maintain a black cherry philodendron at home. Topics covered include suitable lighting practices for optimal growth, correct watering techniques, soil health checks as well as pest control methods among others which are crucial in ensuring that your plant remains robust and healthy always. Whether you have been growing plants inside or it is your first time trying these tips will be helpful when creating an ideal atmosphere for the flourishing of your Black Cherry Philodendron.

What is a Black Cherry Philodendron?

Black Cherry Philodendron which is also popularly known as the “Black Cherry” is an exotic variety of philodendron that has deep red leaves which sometimes can appear so close to black color. It is closely related to Pink Princess Philodendron but it looks more dramatic and darker.

Picking the Right Spot for Your Black Cherry Philodendron

Lighting Requirements

This plant flourishes under bright indirect light. Direct sunlight may scorch the leaves causing them to lose their vibrant coloration. A north or east-facing window is ideal. If you notice the leaves becoming pale or leggy, it might be a sign that the plant isn’t getting enough light.

Temperature and Humidity

The best conditions are warm temperature and high humidity levels for this plant. The temperature should range from 65-80°F (18-27°C). Additionally, humidity level needs to be around 60% upwards. You can increase humidity by using humidifier, placing on humidity tray or regularly misting leaves.

Soil and Potting

Soil Requirements

A well-drained soil mix is necessary for a healthy Black Cherry Philodendron. Peat, perlite, and orchid bark combination should be used. This ensures that the roots are not sitting in water which can cause root rot.

Potting and Repotting

Use a pot with drainage holes to avoid water logging. You should repot every 1-2 years or when the plant grows too big for its container. Spring is the best time to repot. When repotting, gently remove the plant from its existing pot then shake off any extra dirt; trim off any dead or rotting roots before placing it into the new pot.

Watering Your Black Cherry Philodendron

How Often to Water

The frequency of watering will depend on factors such as size of your plant, pot size and environmental conditions among others. In general, water your Black Cherry Philodendron when the top inch of soil feels dry. During the growing season (spring and summer), you may need to water more frequently whereas during dormancy period (fall and winter), reduce watering.

Watering Tips

  • Avoid using cold water that may shock roots.
  • Allow excess water to drain away so that root rot does not occur.
  • Regularly mist leaves in order to maintain humidity.

Feeding and Fertilization

Choosing the Right Fertilizer

Black Cherry Philodendron does well when fertilized with a balanced liquid fertilizer in half strength. Any fertilizer you use should have an N-P-K ratio of 10-10-10 or 20-20-20.

Feeding Schedule

It is good to feed your plant every four to six weeks during its growing season. Less feeding should be done in the fall and winter months when the plant slows growth. Over-fertilization can lead to salt buildup, which results in root damage, so it’s best to under-fertilize than overdo it.

Pruning and Maintenance

Pruning Tips

Regular pruning will keep your Black Cherry Philodendron neat, maintaining its size as well as shape. Prune out leaves that are yellowing or damaged with clean, sharp scissors. It is also best for facilitating new foliage growth while keeping it tidy.

Cleaning the Leaves

Because they may need them for photosynthesis, dust may adhere to leaves. To maintain their cleanliness and good health, gently wipe them using a moist cloth or sponge.

Propagation of Black Cherry Philodendron

Methods of Propagation

Two ways through which Black Cherry Philodendron can be propagated are stem cuttings and division.

Stem Cuttings

  • Choose a Healthy Stem: Choose a healthy stem that has at least one node on it with some leaflets still attached to it.
  • Cut the Stem: Use clean scissors to remove one portion of the stem but just under node level.
  • Root the Cutting: In water or moist soil place your cutting. If you choose water method make sure you change it every few days since stagnant pools may form; after two to three weeks expect roots to develop.
  • Plant the Cutting: Once the roots grow three inches long roughly, transfer this cutting into another pot where there is enough draining soil for quick growth.


Remove the Plant: Remove the plant from its pot carefully.

  • Separate the Roots: Gently break apart all roots into two or more sections, each of which has a healthy root system.
  • Repot: Replant each segment into a separate pot using fresh soil.

Common Problems and Solutions

Yellowing Leaves

Yellow leaves can be caused by overwatering, under watering or nutrient deficiency. Check soil moisture and water accordingly. Ensure that your plant receives proper light exposure and possibly nourish it with balanced fertilizers.

Brown Leaf Tips

Low humidity or excessive fertilizing usually cause brown tips Increase the amount of humidity surrounding the plant; reduce fertilizer quantities in use.


These include spider mites, mealybugs and aphids. Regularly check your plants for pests and use insecticidal soaps or neem oils on them.

Seasonal Care Tips

Spring and Summer

  • Water more often when plant is actively growing.
  • Apply balanced fertilizer to this plant only at this time of year.
  • Ensure indirect sunlight reaches the Black Cherry Philodendron for optimal growth during these months.

Fall and Winter

As it slows growth reduce watering frequency plus feeding rate to this plant.Maintain high levels of moisture as a way of avoiding wilting in leaves.In addition don’t place near drafts of cold air nor heating appliances lest they dry out completely without recovery chances .

Benefits of Black Cherry Philodendron

Air Purification

They are good sources through which harmful substances like formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene among other toxins can be removed from home environment hence making your living area healthier than before .

Aesthetic Appeal

The Dark green foliage makes it stand out giving it an elegant look compared to other plants. Its uniqueness adds variety to any collection of houseplants that you may have in your house .

Low Maintenance

This plant does not require much attention from you provided you follow basic guidelines; thus suitably placed in any home whether you are a novice or an experienced gardener. It is also a very perfect houseplant since it can survive in different conditions.

Black Cherry Philodendron Varieties

Black Cherry Pink Princess Philodendron

The Black Cherry Pink Princess Philodendron is a variation that combines the dark, dramatic foliage of the Black Cherry with the vibrant pink variegation of the Pink Princess Philodendron. This plant has great visual contrast and can be a cherished addition to any plant collection. Care requirements are similar to those of standard Black Cherry Philodendron, but extra attention may need to be given in order for pink variegation to be sustained.

Black Cherry Birkin Philodendron

The Black Cherry Birkin Philodendron is another gorgeous variety that possesses the black leaves of the Black Cherry with the striking white variegation of the Birkin Philodendron. This kind of looks like some sort of design? This type is ideal for anyone who enjoys plants with different colors but also would like something more intense. It thrives in bright indirect light and needs well-draining soil just like other philodendrons.

Decorating with Black Cherry Philodendron

Living Room

In living rooms, where bold statements are made, you can have your own black cherry philondreons as part of interior decors that are meant to stand out. Place it in a chic pot next to and in front of filtered windows for emphasis on its dark leaves. The modern/minimalist styles could go well with its dramatic looking leaves which add touches nature’s element together with taste.


The bedroom is an essential area for relaxation, and having a Black Cherry Philodendron creates a serene atmosphere. Its air-purifying properties help create a healthier indoor environment hence better sleeping patterns. A little or medium-sized version on bed or rather on floor planter will enhance beauty of room.


Adding this plant in your office can result into improved mood and productivity level at work place…its bright yet soothing presence would make you feel more welcomed within your workspace. Place it on the desk or nearby shelf where it can get enough indirect light.

FAQ: Black Cherry Philodendron Care

How Fast Does the Black Cherry Philodendron Grow?

Growth rate of a black cherry philodendrons is dependent on the level of care and environmental conditions present. Under optimal conditions, this plant grow slowly but steady, producing new leaves each time during growth season (spring to summer).

Can I Grow Black Cherry Philodendron Outdoors?

Black Cherry Philodendron thrives outdoors in tropical and subtropical climates. It doesn’t tolerate direct sunlight and cold temperatures. In tropical regions, keep it indoors for the best growth environment that will minimize temperature stressors.

What Should I Do if My Plant’s Leaves Start to Droop?

Underwatering or overwatering may cause drooping leaves. Soil moisture check:

  • If soil is dry: Water the plant thoroughly till excess water drains out.
  • If soil is too wet: Allow it to dry before watering again; make sure that the pot drains well enough not to hold any water.

How Often Should I Water My Black Cherry Philodendron?

Once the surface inch of soil gets dry, you should consider watering your Black Cherry Philodendron. This means at least once per week in growing season and less often when dormant; however, factors like size of pot, environment as well as size of plant could affect frequency of watering schedule.

What Kind of Soil is Best for Black Cherry Philodendron?

A soil mix which drains well is crucial for this kind of a plant. A mixture containing peat mosses/vermiculite with some orchid bark would work best since roots will be getting enough air not affected by water logging that could encourage rotting process

In Closure

A Black Cherry Philodendron is very beautiful and unusual houseplant, which can bring both beauty and sophistication to your houses. If given proper attention, it will flourish inside your house thus giving it a touch of nature. This well-researched manual offers tips that if followed, will guarantee a healthy and vibrant Black Cherry Philodendron for long duration.
